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Once Human: A Comprehensive Guide to the Game

Once Human is an immersive video game that catapults players into a transformative post-apocalyptic world where survival is at the forefront of the human experience. In this universe, everything from humans and animals to plants has been corrupted by an alien entity known as Stardust. The game offers an engaging blend of survival mechanics, strategic combat, and expansive exploration, all while allowing players to uncover the mysteries behind this contamination. This comprehensive guide aims to delve into the intricacies of Once Human, providing insights about its gameplay, lore, community aspects, and much more.

Introduction to Once Human

Overview of the Game Concept

Once Human presents a novel take on the survival genre. Players assume the role of a Meta-Human, one who possesses the unique capability to withstand and harness the power of Stardust. But this isn’t just a game focused on individual survival; it’s also about the broader fight against the chaos engulfing the world. You’ll find yourself in various situations that challenge your decision-making skills, resource management abilities, and combat strategies.

The game thrives on player engagement, offering two modes: solo play for those who prefer to go it alone and multiplayer for those looking to collaborate with friends or strangers. Within this context, players not only contend with their environment but also with the remnants of humanity shaped by desperation and the effects of the alien invasion.

The Setting: Post-Apocalyptic World

The setting of Once Human is crucial to its narrative and gameplay. The world, once teeming with life, has transformed into a harsh landscape rife with dangers—be it mutated creatures or hostile factions. Nature becomes both an adversary and an ally; players must navigate treacherous terrains filled with environmental hazards that reflect the chaotic state of the world.

Imagine forests where trees twist unnaturally due to Stardust contamination or rivers whose water glows with an eerie light. The atmosphere plays a significant role in immersing you within the game, providing a backdrop that feels alive yet ominously foreboding. Each area holds its own stories to be discovered, reinforcing the idea that exploration is essential to understanding the fate of what was once human civilization.

The Impact of Stardust on Life

Stardust is not just a plot device; it serves as a catalyst for the game’s mechanics and themes. This alien substance affects every aspect of life, introducing complexities that shape how players approach survival. Animals become monstrous threats, once-peaceful flora turns toxic, and even the soil and water sources become hazardous to health.

Players must grapple with the implications of consuming contaminated food and drinking polluted water. Doing so can adversely affect Sanity—a vital gameplay element that directly impacts your max HP. The decisions you make around food and resources carry weight, illustrating the moral dilemmas faced in dire circumstances. It emphasizes that survival in Once Human isn’t merely about physical endurance but also psychological resilience.

Gameplay Mechanics

Character Role: The Meta-Human

As a Meta-Human, you embody the spirit of adaptability and survival. Unlike regular humans who succumb to the toxic influences of Stardust, you possess unique abilities that allow you to harness its power. This distinction opens up avenues for gameplay that are not available to ordinary beings, laying the groundwork for exploring a range of combat styles, crafting options, and survival strategies.

Your character’s development is central to the gameplay experience. As you progress, you encounter various challenges that require you to evolve—both in skill and strategy. Customizing and leveling up your character through choices in abilities and equipment enhances the overall sense of agency, reminding players that in a world governed by chaos, self-determination is key.

Surviving in a Hostile Environment

Survival in Once Human is not just about brute force; it involves strategic planning and a keen understanding of your surroundings. The wilderness is unforgiving, filled with environmental hazards and monstrous enemies. Whether you’re scavenging for resources or building a shelter, every action carries risk and potential reward.

The game’s mechanics encourage thorough exploration of the world. You need to learn the patterns of the wildlife, understand the geography, and recognize the signs of danger. Developing situational awareness can mean the difference between life and death, making the wilderness feel like a living entity that must be respected and understood.

The Importance of Sanity

Sanity is a crucial mechanic that adds depth to your survival experience. As players engage with the hostile elements of the world, maintaining mental stability becomes paramount. Consuming tainted food or encountering horrifying sights can decrease your Sanity, which subsequently reduces your maximum health points.

This relationship between sanity and survival forces players to weigh the risks associated with their actions. For instance, venturing into areas laden with contamination in search of better resources might yield great rewards but could also lead to dire consequences. Managing your Sanity involves not just physical survival tactics but also emotional resilience and mental fortitude, adding another layer to the gameplay experience.

Combat System

Encountering Enemies: Once Human Monsters

One of the standout features of Once Human is its combat system, which pits you against a variety of foes that were once human. These enemies reflect the horror of transformation, serving as reminders of what has been lost. Encounters can be terrifying, and the design of these monsters showcases the creative liberties taken by the developers to evoke fear and tension.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each enemy type is essential for effective combat. Some may have vulnerabilities that you can exploit, while others may require different approaches. Learning how to adapt your fighting style based on the enemies you face keeps combat fresh and engaging throughout the game.

Boss Fights: Challenges from Another Dimension

The boss fights in Once Human are monumental experiences that demand skill and strategy. These encounters typically come from another dimension, adding an extra layer of complexity to your battles. Defeating these bosses not only rewards you with powerful items but also contributes to easing the Stardust pollution that plagues the world.

These large-scale confrontations require a mix of preparation, teamwork (if playing in co-op mode), and quick thinking. Each boss comes with unique mechanics and attack patterns that will challenge even the most seasoned players. Overcoming these obstacles provides a sense of accomplishment and progression, motivating you to explore further and engage deeper with the game’s narrative.

Strategies for Effective Combat

To excel in the combat mechanics of Once Human, developing effective strategies is vital. Relying solely on firepower may not guarantee victory; instead, employing a combination of stealth, agility, and tactical retreats can often be your best bet. Understanding when to engage and when to evade can mean the difference between life and death.

Furthermore, utilizing the game’s customization options allows players to tailor their weapons and gear according to their preferred combat styles. Creating a loadout that complements your gameplay approach—whether that be ranged attacks, melee combat, or a mix of both—further enriches the combat experience and prepares you for the varied challenges the game presents.

Customization Options

Weapon Crafting and Blueprints

One of the most exciting elements of Once Human lies in its extensive weapon customization options. With approximately 100 gun blueprints spread across seven categories, players can collect and craft a diverse arsenal tailored to their playstyle. The thrill of discovering new blueprints during your adventures fuels your desire to dive deeper into the game’s world.

Crafting becomes a rewarding endeavor as it allows you to modify weapons based on your preferences. Selecting parts that enhance particular stats or adding perks for improved performance grants players a sense of ownership over their weaponry. This personalization encourages experimentation, as you test various combinations to discover what works best for you.

Enhancing Firearms with Accessories

The customization doesn’t stop at basic crafting; players can also enhance their firearms with accessories. These modifications can drastically change the way a weapon performs, allowing for specialized approaches to combat. Whether you prefer increased damage, higher accuracy, or quicker reload times, there’s an accessory for every scenario.

By enhancing firearms, players can tackle tougher enemies with confidence. The ability to adapt your weapons to specific challenges fosters a sense of empowerment and strategy in your gameplay. You become not just a survivor but a skilled craftsman who can manipulate the tools of warfare to fit your needs.

Upgrading Your Weapons

Upgrading your weapons is another facet of the customization process. As you progress through the game, gathering materials becomes vital. These materials are used to increase the effectiveness of your weapons, improving their durability and performance.

It’s important to balance resource allocation, as investing too much into one weapon may leave you vulnerable later on. Being strategic in your upgrades ensures that you maintain a versatile arsenal capable of handling whatever the world throws at you. This thoughtfulness in planning reflects the broader theme of survival in Once Human—every choice counts.

Building and Territory Management

Utilizing the Territory Core

Building a territory is an exciting feature in Once Human that allows players to establish a safe haven amidst chaos. Using the Territory Core, you can create a space tailored to your needs, whether that means a simple shelter or a sprawling living area equipped with everything necessary for survival.

The process of establishing a territory introduces a layer of strategy; choosing the right location is crucial. A well-placed territory can provide natural defenses against roaming monsters, while also being close enough to resources needed for survival. This aspect adds depth to the overall world-building, encouraging players to engage with their environments meaningfully.

Designing Your Living Space

Once you’ve set up your base, designing your living space becomes a personal journey. Players can choose practical layouts that maximize function or creative designs that reflect their individuality. From cozy nooks to elaborate kitchens, the possibilities are endless.

Personalizing your territory not only enhances your gameplay experience but also provides emotional comfort within the stark realities of the game’s world. Having a space that feels uniquely yours can serve as a sanctuary amid the turmoil, emphasizing the importance of creating a sense of belonging even in the most inhospitable conditions.

Relocation of Your Territory

What sets Once Human apart is the option to relocate your territory whenever you want. This feature encourages exploration and adaptability, allowing players to find new environments that may offer strategic advantages or aesthetic appeal. The flexibility to move your territory can significantly impact your gameplay experience.

Relocating encourages players to examine their surroundings continuously. It transforms the world into a living map filled with opportunities and dangers waiting to be uncovered. This dynamic relationship with your territory highlights the ever-changing nature of survival and underscores the emerging themes of regeneration and resilience in the face of challenges.

Exploring the World of Once Human

Discovering Human Settlements

While survival in the wilderness is a core aspect of Once Human, venturing into human settlements reveals another layer of gameplay. These areas tell stories of the past, showcasing how others have coped with the Stardust crisis. Interacting with NPCs allows players to share experiences, gather valuable information, and sometimes even form partnerships.

Exploring human settlements offers glimpses of humanity’s resilience amid despair. You’ll encounter survivors from various factions, each with their motivations and philosophies. Engaging with these characters can lead to quests that expand your understanding of the game’s narrative, demonstrating that the journey to survival is often a collective endeavor.

Engaging with Factions

The game’s world is populated by several factions, some friendly and others hostile. Navigating these groups presents an intricate web of alliances and rivalries that players must consider. Choosing whom to trust and collaborate with can impact your gameplay trajectory profoundly.

Factions can offer unique rewards and resources, but aligning with them also carries risks. You may find yourself embroiled in conflicts, forced to make choices that will affect your character’s reputation and standing within the broader community. This dynamic interplay between factions adds layers of moral complexity that enrich the storytelling of Once Human.

Making Choices That Impact the Narrative

Ultimately, Every choice you make in Once Human matters. From deciding whether to assist a faction in distress to choosing how to respond to enemy encounters, your decisions contribute to shaping the world around you. This level of interactivity creates a deeply personalized experience, where your actions resonate beyond mere gameplay mechanics.

The implications of your choices extend to the narratives you uncover within the game. Engaging with different characters and factions unveils diverse storylines, encouraging players to replay the game to explore alternate paths. This commitment to player agency enhances the overall immersion and investment in the game’s world.

The Lore of Stardust

Origins of Stardust

Stardust serves as both a catalyst for change and a mystery to unravel within Once Human. Its origins are steeped in enigma, raising questions about its connection to human history and the apocalypse. As players delve deeper into the lore, they begin to piece together fragments of information that reveal the truth about this alien influence.

This exploration of origin stories fuels curiosity and drives the narrative forward. Players are motivated to uncover the origins of Stardust, often leading them to hidden locations and lore items that add context to their struggles. Understanding its backstory enhances the emotional weight of the gameplay, allowing players to relate personally to the plight faced by those impacted by its presence.

The Goals and Motivations of Stardust

While Stardust appears to be a destructive force, there are hints throughout the game that suggest deeper motives at play. As players unravel its mysteries, they may discover that Stardust has objectives that transcend mere chaos. Exploring these motivations raises philosophical questions about existence, purpose, and the essence of life itself.

Engaging with these themes encourages players to reflect on their choices and the morality of their actions within the game. The duality of Stardust as both a source of power and a harbinger of doom enriches the gameplay experience, prompting thoughtful discussions about the nature of good and evil.

Unraveling the Mysteries

As players journey through the world of Once Human, they are tasked with piecing together the puzzle of Stardust. This quest for knowledge drives the narrative, compelling players to interact with various elements of the game. Lore items, environmental storytelling, and encounters with NPCs all contribute to a richer understanding of the universe.

Uncovering these mysteries adds a layer of intrigue and excitement, transforming exploration into an adventure of discovery. Players find themselves driven not just by survival instincts but also by a hunger for knowledge that propels them forward. The allure of what lies beneath the surface keeps the experience fresh and engaging.

Community and Multiplayer Experience

Playing Solo vs. Co-op Mode

Once Human caters to a range of playstyles, offering both solo and co-op modes. Players can choose to navigate the treacherous landscapes alone or team up with friends to tackle challenges collaboratively. Both modes present unique benefits and drawbacks, appealing to different gaming preferences.

Playing solo allows for a more introspective experience, where players can immerse themselves fully in the story and environment. However, it also comes with the burden of facing challenges without external assistance. On the other hand, co-op mode fosters camaraderie and teamwork, enabling players to strategize collectively and share resources, promoting a sense of community within the game.

Collaborating with Other Players

Engaging in co-op mode opens doors for collaboration and friendship among players. Working together to gather resources, build territories, and fend off powerful enemies creates memorable moments that enhance the social aspect of gaming. This collaborative experience reinforces the theme of unity in a chaotic world, reminding players that even in adversity, people can come together for a common cause.

Communication plays a vital role in successful collaboration. Coordinating strategies, sharing tips, and discussing plans can strengthen bonds between players and improve overall performance during critical encounters. Such interactions elevate the gameplay experience, turning a solitary venture into a shared journey.

Sharing Strategies and Resources

The community surrounding Once Human thrives on sharing knowledge and resources. Players frequently exchange strategies, tips, and crafting advice through forums, social media groups, and in-game chat functions. This sense of community fosters an environment where learning and growth flourish.

Sharing resources also extends to in-game mechanics. Players can trade items and materials, enriching their experiences and supporting one another in their quests for survival. This cooperative spirit reinforces the idea that even in a broken world, collaboration and generosity can prevail, highlighting the strength found in community bonds.

Visual and Audio Design

Art Style and Graphics

The visual aesthetics of Once Human play a pivotal role in creating an engaging atmosphere. The art style captures the desolation of a post-apocalyptic world while also highlighting the beauty of nature reclaiming its space. From the haunting landscapes to the grotesque designs of mutated creatures, every visual element serves to immerse players more deeply in the experience.

The attention to detail in the graphics enhances the overall narrative. Environmental storytelling, such as remnants of human civilization scattered throughout the landscapes, evokes emotions and sparks curiosity about the histories tied to those locations. The visuals breathe life into the themes of loss, survival, and adaptation, drawing players into an evocative journey.

Sound Design and Immersion

Sound design is equally important in crafting an immersive experience. The auditory landscape of Once Human heightens tension and draws players into the world. Ambient sounds, such as rustling leaves or distant growls, create a sense of unease, reminding players of the dangers lurking nearby.

Musical scores underscore key moments, amplifying emotional connections to the narrative. The soundtracks evoke feelings of hope, despair, and urgency, guiding players through the highs and lows of their adventures. Together, the sound design and music work harmoniously to enhance the overall gameplay experience, enveloping players in a rich sensory environment.

User Interface Experience

An intuitive user interface (UI) is essential for a smooth gameplay experience. Once Human provides a clean and organized UI that allows players to access inventory, crafting menus, and maps efficiently. This accessibility ensures that players can focus on their adventures rather than wrestling with cumbersome mechanics.

Furthermore, the UI design supports the storytelling aspect of the game. Subtle visual cues and informative tooltips guide players along their journeys, seamlessly incorporating gameplay mechanics without detracting from immersion. By prioritizing user experience, developers have created an engaging environment that allows players to concentrate on the unfolding narrative.

Development and Updates

Behind the Scenes: The Creation of Once Human

The development of Once Human represents a labor of love by the creators at NetEase. Behind-the-scenes efforts involve countless hours of brainstorming, designing, and refining the game’s mechanics and narrative. The team’s dedication to crafting a captivating experience shines through in the final product, demonstrating their passion for storytelling and immersive gameplay.

Developers often draw inspiration from real-world events, blending them with imaginative concepts to create a unique universe. Through meticulous research and creativity, they seek to ensure that the setting resonates with players while addressing universal themes of survival, societal collapse, and human resilience.

Upcoming Features and Expansions

Once Human is designed to evolve continuously, with developers committed to delivering new content over time. Regular updates and expansions promise to enhance the gameplay experience, introducing fresh challenges, additional lore, and expanded environments for players to explore.

Community feedback plays a crucial role in shaping these updates. The developers actively engage with players, gathering insights and suggestions that help refine the game based on audience preferences. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership among the community, encouraging players to feel invested in the future of Once Human.

Community Feedback and Developer Interaction

Maintaining open lines of communication between developers and the community is vital for the success of Once Human. Developers often host Q&A sessions, live streams, and forums where players can express their thoughts, share experiences, and ask questions. This interaction fosters trust and transparency, creating a strong bond between the creators and the player base.

Incorporating community feedback leads to improvements in gameplay mechanics, bug fixes, and enhancements that align with players’ desires. By valuing the voices of their audience, the developers demonstrate their commitment to creating an engaging and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.


Important Tips for New Players

For newcomers to Once Human, starting on the right foot can significantly enhance your gameplay. First, familiarize yourself with the environment and take your time exploring before rushing into combat. Learning the terrain can help you identify resources, potential dangers, and hidden secrets.

Keep an eye on your sanity levels and manage your resources wisely. Prioritize finding clean food and water sources to maintain mental clarity. Knowing when to engage in combat and when to retreat is essential to surviving initial challenges, especially as you build your skills and adapt to the world.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to engage with the community. Forums and social media groups dedicated to Once Human can provide valuable insights, strategies, and support to help enhance your gameplay experience.

Resources for Ongoing Learning

As players progress through Once Human, ongoing learning is crucial to mastering the game. Various online resources offer guides, tutorials, and discussions that can deepen your understanding of the mechanics and lore. Websites and forums dedicated to gaming communities provide a wealth of knowledge that can prove invaluable.

YouTube channels featuring gameplay walk-throughs and strategies can provide visual aids that make complex concepts easier to grasp. Following content creators who specialize in Once Human can keep you updated on new developments and strategies, ensuring you remain engaged in the ever-evolving world of the game.

Mistakes to Avoid

Common Pitfalls for Beginners

New players are often prone to making mistakes that can hinder their progress in Once Human. One common pitfall is neglecting the importance of resource management. Failing to gather enough supplies or ignoring the need for a safe shelter can quickly lead to dire circumstances.

Additionally, underestimating enemy encounters can spell disaster. Many beginners rush into combat without assessing their surroundings, resulting in unexpected ambushes or overwhelming odds. Taking time to learn the strengths and weaknesses of foes can pay dividends in terms of survival.

Mismanagement of Resources

Resource mismanagement is one of the most significant challenges players face. Running low on food or water can lead to drastic reductions in Sanity and health, impacting your ability to survive. It’s vital to strike a balance between using resources and conserving them for future endeavors.

Always keep an eye on your inventory, and plan your journeys accordingly. Prioritize collecting essential items and avoid hoarding unnecessary clutter. Efficiently managing your resources ensures you remain prepared for any challenges that may arise.

Underestimating Enemy Encounters

As mentioned earlier, underestimating enemies can lead to devastating consequences. Players must remember that the world of Once Human is full of unpredictability. Encounters with mutated creatures or rival factions can escalate quickly, and being unprepared can result in defeat.

Take the time to scout ahead, gauge enemy behavior, and equip yourself adequately before engaging. Understanding when to fight and when to retreat can significantly extend your chances of survival, allowing you to strategize effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started in Once Human?

To start your journey in Once Human, download the game from Steam and follow the installation instructions. Once launched, select your preferred mode (solo or co-op) and create your Meta-Human character. Familiarize yourself with the controls and mechanics, then embark on your adventure in the chaotic world shaped by Stardust.

What are the system requirements for Steam?

Once Human requires a compatible computer running Windows, and the exact system requirements vary depending on upcoming updates. Ensure you check the store page on Steam for the latest specifications, including CPU, RAM, GPU, and disk space required to run the game smoothly.

Is there a storyline in Once Human?

Yes, Once Human features a rich narrative woven throughout the game, focusing on the fallout of Stardust contamination and its impact on humanity. Players can uncover the truth through exploration, interactions, and quests offered by various NPCs and factions within the world.

Can I play Once Human offline?

Once Human primarily focuses on community and multiplayer experiences, but it offers a single-player mode that allows you to enjoy the game offline. While certain features may be limited in offline mode, players can still engage with the world and explore the narrative at their own pace.

What should I do if I encounter bugs or issues?

If you encounter bugs or technical issues while playing Once Human, the best course of action is to report them to the developers via official channels. Participating in community forums can also provide insights into common problems and potential solutions. Regular updates aim to address bugs and enhance overall gameplay quality.


Once Human stands as a testament to the potential of the survival genre, merging gripping gameplay mechanics with a rich narrative and immersive world-building. The game invites players to explore a post-apocalyptic landscape filled with perils and layered storytelling, all while challenging them to make meaningful choices.

With its emphasis on community engagement and continuous updates, Once Human offers players an evolving experience that promises to keep them enthralled for countless hours. Whether you choose to brave the wilderness alone or join forces with fellow survivors, the journey through this alien-infested world is bound to leave a lasting impression. As players navigate the complexities of survival, the ultimate question remains: in a world where everything is tainted, can you rise above the chaos and forge a path towards hope? Visit more often to learn more new games or games you know​.

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